Volunteers, hourly, part- or full time job, contractors & paid work contracts.
We need YOU. Giving priority to protect & shield Odesa, Odesa Oblast & Ukraine, - planning & development for post war cleaning & reconstruction of entire Ukraine have to be started already now. Digitalization, alternative business process flows & alternative commerce accelerators must be implemented.
Given evaluation reports of the actual present situation in the impact zones, activities are being scheduled & priority tasks & projects are identified for immediate implementation.
ODESSA International Trust invites its partners & membership sponsors to participate in evaluation & definition of current situation reports, tasks & priority projects scheduling.
Supply & Logistics
UA-TRANS, implementation of logistics & transport concept to guarantee inflow & outflow of commodities to / from Ukraine, focusing on Oblast Odesa / border with Romania, Moldavia & Hungary by air, road, sea.
Protect & Shield
Protect & Shield, our civil defense plan and concept implementation, using Odesa Oblast' s geo-positioning & natural topographic terrain features, to strengthen infrastructure protection & shield capabilities.
Establish a strong private capitalization basis through white label ecommerce, economic trade, import / export, brand contribution & future contract deal negotiations internationally.
YOU make the difference
- NOT the other people
Register now to work with us:
We are interested to hear from you, your capabilities, ideas, visions for Odesa & Ukraine & your proposal of possible involvement in our cause. Every one of you makes the difference. Be assured, that any & all information received, including your identify will be treated as absolutely private & confidential.
Просимо негайно повідомляти про надзвичайні ситуації дітей, які мають проблеми. Нам потрібні місцезнаходження, ім’я, контакт, ситуація та стан здоров’я.