Contact, Meet
& Communicate
Lets explore the different contact, communication & meeting options. Your privacy is always top priority. Our field office in Odesa is handling all communications in Ukrainian language. Our international site is using english as default language.
ODESSA International TRUST
71 - 75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden, London
WC2H 9JQ - United Kingdom
Company Number 14142855
Main: +(44) 204 - 577 2000
Ukraine: +(380) 93 - 1755111
ODESSA International Trust has a global network of offices, service providers, affiliates & contractors. All public communications are handled through the registered head office in London, United Kingdom.
Приєднуйтесь до нас як радник по Україні
Ми створюємо нашу українську консультаційну групу. Ти потрібен нам. Молодь, студенти, професіонали та лідери. Разом ми забезпечуємо майбутнє України.