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Post war conflict- & disaster zones require always immediate recovery, reconstruction & socio economic development measures, - all of those relief activities which are vital to guarantee normalization & basic standard living conditions for the affected population. Therefore a proper, stable & autonomous capitalization strategy is of upmost importance to any humanitarian relief operation. Recovery, reconstruction & normalization efforts are often hindered / slowed in developing nations, due to lack of adequate funding & / or wrong administration of financial aid packages received. ODESSA International Trust therefore is implementing through Global Development Trust its humanitarian aid & revitalization capitalization concept for post-war impact zones.

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The creation of an institutional grade, capital guaranteed investment vehicle / fund, - foreseeing to obtain leverage triggered interest differences, originating from loan / invest margins, - having partial earnings contribution rights from participating corporate / institutional sponsors, - seeking to optimize their capital gain tax reductions, as may be applicable under their home jurisdiction.

GDP Capitalization concept

100 %

Investment Capital


The project sees for BB+ rated institutional protection of the overall capitalization, eliminating the risk of capital loss. The growth rate of the fund can not be guaranteed. A "stop loss" option seems adequate.

Reserve Fund project / concept information & calculations shown, represent the basic requirements for the respective registration & licensing of such a regulated SPV entity. A public invitation directed at professional, licensed & regulated financial institutions, to express their SPV registration, administration, licensing & management proposals, - is valid. Please direct all Inquiries to:

1. User case - UKRAINE

ERT Emergency Response Team

2. User case - TURKEY / SYRIA

Hatay Province Earthquake

The capitalization concept described herein requires sophisticated finance- & capital markets operations, which can be undertaken only by regulated & licensed financial institutions / service providers. The concept is therefore designed for internal purposes only. The general public- & non institutional entities are not eligible for participation in the concept, its development, capitalization & / or operation. Considerations provided herein shall visualize the structure, under which approved humanitarian relief- & sustainable development projects are intended to be supported financially. Financial calculations & estimates made are not legally binding, nor represent any guarantee of growth & / or return. They may change subject to global capital markets conditions & fluctuations thereof.  

DSV Digital Stored Value PLC.
  • aid4face2geo
  • aid4face2geo
SEUK Certified - business for good badge

ODESSA International Trust, company number 14142855, registered in the United Kingdom as Trust / Non-profit Organization. The principal founder / prinicpal member & guarantor to the Trust Organization is identified as DSV Digital Stored Value PLC 11230508 UK & its group of companies. Odessa Shield & Protect, aid4face2geo & love4odessa are registered trademarks. The Trust / NGO does not solicitate any donations from the general public & is not regulated under the UK charity act. Humanitarian relief operations in impact zones are conducted under the respective host countries authorization & supervision. Sensitive data administration & processing including biometric & GEO location data feeds as outlined in its concept aid4face2geo, - are being performed by professional- licensed & insured SAAS / API service providers. Contracting, procurement & financial supervision of the Trust is done by an independent Advisory Commitee. The Trust, registered as independent 3rd party United Nations level 1 & 2 supplier, UNGM supplier ID #894533, - is bound by strict United Nations Supplier Code of Conduct & UNSPSC regulations.


Information, opinion & data provided herein are published for informational purpose only. The Trust will not accept any responsibility, nor liability for the accuracy of content provided. Actualization of information is administrated periodically. Potential beneficiaries under the aid4face2geo concept are not limited to civilians of Ukraine origin,  also including distressed civilians of other Nationalities located within conflict zones, including aid seeking persons of Russian nationality. 

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