Protect children in distress - user case Ukraine
Це від їхнього серця, - як діти в зонах конфлікту мають долю, надію і довіру. Давайте захистити їх і здійснити їхні надії. Приєднуйтесь до нашої команди Ukraine - Advisors як волонтер. Разом ми змінюємо ситуацію, захищаючи та відбудовуючи нашу вільну та прекрасну націю – Україну.
ODESA & its oblast represent the beauty of UKRAINE, a free country full of tourism, commerce & business value. Analysing the conflict situation today, its of vital importance to develop, implement & secure safe zones & corridors for children in distress & internally displaced refugees. Having learned the bitter lessons of the destruction of Mariupol & its heroic defenders, watching the grinding battles in Donetsk Oblast / Bakhmut, - its time to act now. Our non-profit humanitarian relief membership organization (NGO) - ODESSA International Trust, its aid concept aid4face2geo, the Ukraine-Advisors volunteer team & Sponsor members, - we all have the same mission:
- protect the most vulnerable,
distressed children & internally
dislocated refugees, located within
conflict zones in
Ukraine & Russia
Odessa International Trust / aid4face2geo also works in:
A Nonprofit membership organization, registered
in the UK, operating as UNGM level 1 & 2 qualified Humanitarian relief operator under its concept name aid4face2geo. The main mission of the Trust is, to provide emergency relief in favor of distressed children & internally dislocated refugees, located within conflict / crisis zones globally.
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The amount is not important, what matters is your instant contribution, support and backing of the aid4face2geo humanitarian relief concept. Together we achieve to expand our reach in more disaster and conflict zones around the world. The success of mission accomplishment is depending on up to date technology implementation and supporting impact zones logistics capabilities. Thank you.